abita mystery house ucm museum

US HWY 90 - Florida - Page 2

Abita Mystery House Louisiana

This highway was the "Southern" Route 66

Tallahassee Area Pictures


HWY 90 meets the Atlantic Ocean in Jacksonville
The end of the road - where HWY 90 meets the Atlantic Ocean in Jacksonville.
Was this a good name for this motel in Tallahassee?
The Cactus Motel
A post card from 1953 - Tallahassee Motor Lodge
Adams Motel in Defuniak Springs FL Hwy 90
The Adams Motel in Defuniak Springs FL Hwy 90-331, in the city limits.
The owners were Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Adams; their phone # was TW4011
Burkett's Drive-In in Crestview, Florida
Burkett's Drive-In in Crestview, Florida on Hwy 90. Google styled.
Tallahassee Motor Hotel
A Classic Motel Sign - Tallahassee Motor Hotel
The Enzor Motel in Crestview, FL
The Enzor Motel in Crestview, FL
Leweda Motel in Baldwin Florida
The Leweda Motel in Baldwin Florida also had a gas station attached to it.
It was located at the Intersection of US 301 and US 90
Live Oak, FLA
If you were ever in Live Oak, FLA going west on U.S. 90 in the 60's
then your car may be in this postcard.

Abita Mystery House Louisiana

© copyright 1997-2012 John Preble