Strange Weird
Antique Light Bulb
A good site to learn about antique light bulbs and vacuum tubes.
Bottle openers
If you collect beer advertising openers or corkscrews, this is the web
site you have been looking for!
British Lawnmower Museum
Lawnmowers of the Rich and Famous plus everything else you wanted to
know about the machines that cut grass.
Glass Insulators Sites
Links to all aspects of insulator collecting.
Metz Bicycle Museum
Metz Bicycle Museum in Freehold, N. J.
Mike's Electric Stuff
Antique electric glassware.
Museum of Hoaxes
A good site with great links about hoaxes.
Museum of Pocket Calculating Devices
There were 1519 devices online when we last visited.
Museum Link's Museum of Museums will eventually contain links to every
museum on the planet, from the world's largest to the most obscure (assuming
they have a web site).
Novelty Radios
Interesting radios!
Old CB Radios
A site dedicated to Old CBs and other "Yesterdays Technology Today"
The Post Mark Museum
The museum's holdings make up the largest single collection in the world
-- over a million different postal history items.
Roller Organs
Welcome to the wonderful world of Roller Organs!
Ross and Carla Ward's truly fantastic museum near Albuquerque, New Mexico,
was our inspiration to open the Abita Mystery House. Their museum is a
great statement by true artists. I wish I had thought of their
slogan is "We did all of this while you were watching TV." Many
of the UCM exhibits are inspired by Ross Ward's work. The Abita Mystery House has been described as a Southern version of Tinkertown.
If you are in the area, stop in and tell them hello from me. Check
out their web site. The UCM would not exist had I not met Ross Ward.
The Toaster Museum
A site devoted to the bread toaster.
Toilet Museum
Celebrity bathrooms and more
Vintage Slot Machines
This web site is devoted to those glorious vintage slot machines in
the penny arcades of the 40s, 50s and 60s.
© copyright 1997-2012 John Preble |