Abita Mystery House

Here's some memorabilia from other wacky tourist attractions

Bottle House Gift Shop, 1129 Bolton Ave. Alexandria, LA.
Bottle House Gift Shop, 1129 Bolton Ave. Alexandria, LA.
This stylish bottle house is no longer standing.


Paper House, Pigeon Cove, Mass
Paper House, Pigeon Cove, Mass. Mr. Elis F. Stenman made this place using Boston newspapers. He was a mechanical engineer who worked in a machine shop and the paper house was his hobby. He started in 1922 and stopped some 20 years later. The house is filled with newspaper walls and newspaper furniture hand made over this 20 year period!

Paper House, Pigeon Cove, Mass
Paper House Furniture, (no smoking)

For an index of memorabilia from other wacky tourist attractions, Click Here.

©2006 John Preble