Abita Mystery House

Pulp Magazine Art - The Critters

So you are the editor of Amazing Stories and you saw last month that your competitors Strange Fiction Tales and True War Stories were beating you at the news-stand. Just put on a T Rex and a Army Tank on the cover, buddy!
You invite your new girlfriend for a spin in your yellow aero plane and this kind of stuff happens -- bummer.

There's a virus on this cruise ship.
Big bugs and chicks - can beat 'em

To much junk food
Girls and menacing robots

To see more pulp fiction covers, click the below
Guys      Girls      Girls, Page 2      Critters      Space Ships      Evil     Index

Abita Mystery House 22275 Hwy 36
bita Springs Louisiana 70420
Telephone: 985-892-2624
©1999 John Preble

Abita Mystery House